The World Is Waiting!

190784_10150114600146973_4499368_nMy name is Colleen, and I love this world.

I have suffered from wanderlust since I traveled to the Scottish Highlands with my grandmother in 2000. For two weeks, I witnessed the beauty and history of a culture I’d never seen before. The thrill of seeing such a different and rich culture, experiencing it firsthand, and the idea of not knowing where I would be if I turned left instead of right…it was indescribable, even as a twelve-year-old.

Now that I’m an adult with student loans to pay, a job to keep, rent to get in on time, and a cat to feed, I’ve found myself shackled to my hometown of Syracuse, NY. Okay, maybe not shackled, but I simply can’t afford to travel to the dozens of different places I long to see and experience.

Luckily, I found

A free (ish) website where you sign up and add your address to the mailing list, then receive a few addresses of people from all over the world. You then send postcards to them (this is where the free-ish part comes in, you need to provide cards and postage yourself). Once they are received, you qualify to receive your own cards from anyone anywhere.

So I thought I’d try it out. At best, I would start up an awesome collections of different cards, at worst I’d get bored and cancel my account.

Needless to say, I fell in love. It has been almost two years now, and I still love sending and receiving postcards from random people as far away as Japan and China and as close to home as 100 miles away (even less). Many cards include facts from the sender about their countries, some even have rare stamps and stickers attached. Each card tells a story, and I already have over 350 of them, taking up four full photo albums!

So, while I await the day I win the lottery and can afford to start actually visiting some of these spectacular destinations, I will document some of my favorite postcards and facts on this blog. I hope you enjoy the adventure as much as I have been and will continue to do!


Colleen the Wanderer

Posted on March 3, 2014, in wanderlust and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I use PostCrossing too! Though I’m not as dedicated as you are. I love getting postcards and reading the stories people would write on the back of them. You’re inspiring me to get back on the postcard train!!

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